Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kuni wa Kun visiting pioneers

On Thursday, Jan 28, 2010, the Kuni-kun-ers had another interesting day. We began a group meeting at 1:30 pm at Mokha Bunn (the plan was to go to a restaurant but we decided that would be less productive)...lasting till 3:30, the meeting included overall discussions of where the Kuni initiative stands and what the next steps should be. Then at around 4, a group of us (Amal, Najla, Ibrahim, Zulfa, Fras, and Ahmed) went to visit Dr. Mohammed Asda at his home. He is one of those people with many hats: a neurologist, TV presenter, and musician who speaks Chinese fluently and is well-versed in religion. We also met Dr. Fuad al-Sabri from UNDP there and both of them gave us general advice on how to approach the woman's issue in Yemen. Being the wonderful host he is, Dr. Mohammed then entertained us by playing the piano and Oud while we munched on some snacks (more like attacked the food since we hadn't had lunch :S ).

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